Oh boy, the recent leaks involving a certain game adding a meme that's popular with kids, proven that people can act so damn petty over it to the point of acting like it's the end of the world and it's really their problem. They seriously need their priorities checked and act like certain little things aren't worth shit at the end of the day.
I find it funny as fuck, but at the same time. If a meme being a part of a game is that much of an issue. Then you take memes too seriously for the same reasons that out-of-touch teachers that think fun's a waste of time.
I may hate some memes too to be honest, but at least I don't act like a fucking whiny bastard that cries over spilled milk about it.
I got better things to worry about anyway, and I can care a lot less about the game and the meme. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Plus, it's not like everyone had a silly thing they saw and liked in their youth either, I certainly have and I accepted it as fact.
People are easily gonna connect the dots on what I am talking about.